Love Your Neighbor

"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The Second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment great than these" Mark 12:30-31 I am 99.9% convinced that if "we the people" spent more of our time loving our neighbors versus trying to change things that are nearly out of our control (I have a few in mind if you want to ask me about them. We are all guilty.) we would: 1. See more positive results 2. Develop stronger communities 3. See the needy's needs met better, faster, and more genuinely 4. See personal accountability go up 5. See violence go down 6. See overall quality of life skyrocket If you grew up like I did, you were taught to plan ahead by thinking at a higher level, and knowing how do get down into the weeds when you need to. I think the best approach to making Chicago (and other hurting areas, even the entire US)...