Grateful - Don't Take Heat for Granted
In case you do not know, I decided to move to the West side of Chicago this past month. I have been there for nearly a month now, and have already added a few interesting chapters to this adventure.
The one I am writing about now is how we have not had any heat in the apartment. November has been full of many temperature ups and downs, so some days/nights have been easier than others. Two nights ago, the temperature finally seemed to take a final turn towards winter. Since, I have regularly measured temperatures in the 40's (F) in our living room and bedrooms.
I really miss heat. It has a lot to offer. It offers:

The one I am writing about now is how we have not had any heat in the apartment. November has been full of many temperature ups and downs, so some days/nights have been easier than others. Two nights ago, the temperature finally seemed to take a final turn towards winter. Since, I have regularly measured temperatures in the 40's (F) in our living room and bedrooms.
I really miss heat. It has a lot to offer. It offers:
- A good nights rest
- Comfort during the day
- A desirable place to be
- Ability to work from home
- Time
- Many other items in an at-home setting
I am hoping that the time item and good nights rest item caught your attention. Those two have really struck me, and here's why; The neighborhood I am living in has an extremely high poverty and unemployment rate. I moved here, by the grace of God, to get to know the community and its people. In the short time I have been here, thoughts and ideas I have had my entire life have already been put to question.
Here is my point: It is so much harder to go about daily life when you lack basic necessities to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle. In this case, that necessity is heat. The lack of heat has effected my rest, making it harder to function the next day for work, being social, and chores. Because my lack of rest is so damaging, I therefore spend more time just trying to stay warm by re prioritizing my responsibilities, and not getting around to other things I need to.
Applying this fact to the community around me, and other impoverished areas around the world, it goes to show that breaking out of poverty by getting a job has many obstacles. How much harder is it to hold down a steady job when you lack basic necessities?
Therefore, I am grateful for something I have never been truly grateful for before - heat. My days are limited in this heat-less apartment, but not all other people's are.
Therefore, I am grateful for something I have never been truly grateful for before - heat. My days are limited in this heat-less apartment, but not all other people's are.

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